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There are several myths and misconceptions about air source heat pumps (ASHPs). Here are some common ones:

Myth 1: Ineffectiveness in Cold Climates: Some people believe that ASHPs are ineffective in cold climates. While it’s true that the efficiency of ASHPs can decrease in extremely cold temperatures, advancements in technology have improved their performance, and many models are designed to operate efficiently even in colder climates. Some ASHPs are equipped with features like dual compressors or supplemental heating elements to handle colder conditions.

Myth 2: High Operating Costs: Another misconception is that ASHPs lead to high operating costs. In reality, ASHPs are often more energy-efficient than traditional heating systems, such as electric resistance heaters or oil furnaces. They can provide significant energy savings and reduce utility bills, especially when used in regions with moderate climates.

Myth 3: Noise Issues: Some people believe that ASHPs are noisy and can be disruptive. While it’s true that older models might have been noisier, modern ASHPs are designed with sound reduction features. The noise levels can vary between models, but many are designed to operate quietly, both indoors and outdoors.

Myth 4: Limited Heating Capacity: There’s a misconception that ASHPs have limited heating capacity and may not be suitable for larger homes. In reality, ASHPs come in various sizes and capacities, and there are models designed to meet the heating demands of different-sized homes. Proper sizing and installation are crucial to ensuring the ASHP meets the specific heating requirements.

Myth 5: High Upfront Costs: Some people believe that the upfront cost of installing an ASHP is prohibitively high. While the initial investment can be significant, there are often government incentives, rebates, and tax credits available to offset the costs. Additionally, the long-term energy savings can contribute to a favorable return on investment.

It’s essential to consult with HVAC professionals and consider up-to-date information when evaluating ASHPs to make informed decisions based on accurate and current knowledge.

Air Source Heat Pump

If you want help with an upcoming ASHP project or want more information on heat pumps, you’ve come to the right place, Bublshop can help find the brand most suited to your project and we can pass your lead on to relevant installer in your are that we already work with.

Fill in the survey form below for support.

Solar PV

Are you looking for a solar installer? need some help picking the right brand and system? Bublshop are here to support you with your project, we can suggest installers and help design your system.


Fill in the survey form for more support.

Ground Source Heat Pump

If you want help with an upcoming GSHP project or want more information on heat pumps, you’ve come to the right place, Bublshop can help find the brand most suited to your project and we can pass your lead on to relevant installer in your are that we already work with.

Please contact the office for more information.
